採用情報|株式会社J-CAMCareers | J-CAM Inc.

Web3.0で新時代のファイナンスをリードするLeading the new era of finance with Web3.0
J-CAMはメディアとサービスを通じてWeb3.0ファイナンスをリードし、日本を可能性の広がる未来へと導きたいと考えています。J-CAM's focus on the various innovations of Web3.0 lies in the fact that "trust is guaranteed by protocols rather than authority". Throughout history, humanity has relied on the authority of rulers or states to secure the credibility of financial systems. Now, a major shift is underway.
In the world of Web3.0, publicly available protocols are operated with transparency through distributed computing power, and all financial transactions conducted on the network are recorded on tamper-proof blockchain ledgers.
With the credibility generated by this system, humanity's economic activities will evolve towards a more diverse world with greater freedom and safety, enabling new ways of working and living that were previously impossible.
J-CAM aims to lead Web3.0 finance through media and services, and guide Japan towards a future of unlimited potential.

新津 俊之Toshiyuki Niitsu


編集長に抜擢be selected as
八木 紀彰
Noriaki YagiNoriaki Yagi
多くのチャレンジが生まれるような環境づくりがリーダーとしての責務As a leader, it is my responsibility to create an environment where many challenges are born.
個人でSNSの運用をしていた経験から、入社後、動画コンテンツの作成とSNS運用を任せていただきました。当時の私は、暗号資産・ブロックチェーンの知識が全くないどころか、動画編集ソフトも簡易的なものしか扱ったことがありませんでした。しかし入社数日後に、10万円以上する編集ソフトを実績もない自分に渡してくれて、”信じて任せる社風”に感謝と感動を覚えました。寝る間を惜しんで動画編集ソフトを覚えたことを、良く覚えています。Based on my personal experience in social networking, I was entrusted with the creation of video content and social networking operations after joining the company. At the time, I had no knowledge of crypto assets or blockchain, and I had only used simple video editing software. However, a few days after I joined the company, they gave me editing software costing more than 100,000 yen with no track record, and I was very grateful and impressed by the company culture of "trusting and entrusting. I remember how I spent every waking moment learning the video editing software.
編集長に就任してからは、良いものを残して改革に努め、2023年3月より「Iolite(アイオライト)」を創刊。Web3.0という言葉で表現される、これから起こる大変革の時代に、再び日本が国際競争力を持つために分散型インターネットおよび、次世代のテクノロジーに関するリテラシー向上の機会を提供していきます。今まで本当に多くの方々のサポートに助けられてきたからこそ、常識に囚われない多くのチャレンジが生まれるような環境づくりがリーダーとしての責務だと思っています。Although I had some experience with Instagram, I knew that managing social networking sites in general is not something that can be accomplished with ordinary effort, so I faced each social networking site every day with the intention of relearning it from scratch.
J-CAM Inc. publishes magazines and operates online media. In the process of studying each SNS, I inevitably came to see what my company needed to improve, and I shared my suggestions for improvement as ideas with my superiors.
I can say now that it must have been about six months after I joined the company. The person who gave me the opportunity to join the company said to me, "Yagi, this is just a hypothetical story about ......, but what would you do if I asked you if you would be the editor-in-chief? I immediately replied, "There is no reason to refuse. I was officially appointed editor-in-chief a few months later, in April 2022.
Since becoming editor-in-chief, I have worked hard to preserve and reform the good things, and in March 2023 Iolite will launch its first issue, providing opportunities to improve literacy about the distributed Internet and next-generation technologies in order for Japan to once again become globally competitive in the era of great change that is coming, expressed in the term "Web 3.0. We will provide opportunities to improve literacy about the distributed Internet and next-generation technologies to make Japan globally competitive again in the coming era of Web 3.0. I have been helped by the support of so many people, and I believe that it is my responsibility as a leader to create an environment that encourages many challenges that are not bound by conventional wisdom.
募集職種Available Positions
データエンジニアData Engineer

データ分析経験者Experienced in data analysis.
CRM・MA運用経験者Experienced in CRM/MA operations.
API開発経験優遇Experience in API development preferred.
編集者 ライターEditor|Writer

ライティング・編集経験のある方Candidates with experience in writing and editing.
暗号資産・ブロックチェーンに興味のある方Candidates who are interested in cryptocurrency and blockchain.
広報・マーケティング職Sales|Customer Service

マーケティング業務経験者Candidates with marketing experience.
SNSインフルエンサーマーケティング経験優遇Candidates with experience in SNS influencer marketing are preferred.
待遇|勤務制度Benefits| Conditions
給与Salary |
年齢別モデルケース(2022年度実績)Age-based model case (FY 2022 results)
諸手当Allowances | 時間外勤務手当または裁量労働手当、通勤手当、扶養親族手当、社保手当 などOvertime pay or discretionary labor pay, commuting allowance, dependent family allowance, social insurance allowance, etc. |
昇給Salary increases | 年1回Once a year |
勤務地Location | 東京都港区虎ノ門1-10-5 KDX虎ノ門一丁目ビル 11F11F KDX Toranomon 1-chome Building, 1-10-5 Toranomon, Minato-ku, Tokyo |
勤務時間Working hours | 10:00-19:00 部門によりフレックスタイム制または裁量労働制10:00-19:00, flextime or discretionary labor system depending on the department |
休日・休暇Holidays and vacations | 週休2日制・祝日・年末年始・夏休み休暇など2 days off per week, holidays, year-end and New Year holidays, summer vacation, etc. |
研修制度Training system | 新入社員研修New employee training |
福利厚生Employee benefits | 終業後、オフィスにて無料で生ビール飲み放題Free all-you-can-drink beer after work in the office |